Omiai Ni Sugoi Komyushou Ga Kita
Omiai Ni Sugoi Komyushou Ga Kita Summary:
Itami, a middle-aged, miserly businessman, registers with a marriage agency to find a marriage partner, but his marriage activity is going on with great difficulty. Perhaps unable to see him like this, his subordinate in the same department, Mr. Sonoda, introduces him to a friend. This is a comedy...List Chapter: Omiai Ni Sugoi Komyushou Ga Kita
11 mons ago3,500
11 mons ago3,300
11 mons ago4,100
Touhou Chireikiden ~ Hansoku Tantei Satori
Reincarnated As Louis Xvi, I Want To Stop The French Revolution With All My Might And Live Happily Ever After With Antoinette