The Novice Alchemist's Store

4.8 1,600,000
Atl Titles: 新米錬金術師の店舗経営 Management of Novice Alchemist The Novice Alchemist's Store 新人鍊金術師的店舖經營 新米炼金术师的店铺经营
Official status: Ongoing
Published: Dec 11, 2020 to ?
Rank: 35457
Volumes: Unknown

The Novice Alchemist's Store Summary:

Shoot for the stars! I'm going to be the country's number one alchemist! When young girl Sarasa graduated from the Royal Alchemist Academy, her teacher gifted her a house for her to set up shop. Aiming to become a masterclass alchemist, she gathers materials herself, experiments and operates a...
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