Comics Underground Japan

3.48 294,200
Atl Titles: A Love like Lemons Bigger and Better Cat Noodle Soup Don Quixote #1 & #2 Future Sperm Brazil Hell's Angel It's Alright If You Don't Understand Laughing Ball Mary's Asshole Mercy Flesh (Jiniku) Planet of the Jap Selfish Carol's Summer Vacation Steel Pipe Melancholia Volvox
Official status: Completed
Published: 1981 to 1996
Rank: 13965
Volumes: 1

Comics Underground Japan Summary:

Comics Underground Japan presents the wild, subversive world of Japan’s most accomplished underground comics artists. Some of the dozen artists included in this anthology will be familiar to followers of manga; others make their American debut in these pages. The richly imaginative stories in...
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