Super Dog Rilienthal

5 409,400
Atl Titles: Kashikoi Inu Lilienthal Kashikoi Inu Ririentaru Kashikoi Ken Lilienthal Kashikoi Ken Rilienthal Super Dog Rilienthal 聪明的狗狗莉莉安塔尓 賢い犬リリエンタール
Official status: Ongoing
Published: Sep 14, 2009 to May 10, 2010
Rank: 12019
Volumes: 4

Super Dog Rilienthal Summary:

In the series, the Hino family picks up their "little brother" from the airport. The "brother" turns out to be Rilienthal, an intelligent dog who speaks Japanese. He is also the target of men in black suit from a mysterious organization. They refer him as RD-1.

List Chapter: Super Dog Rilienthal