Rurouni Kenshin

4.9 9,000,000
Atl Titles: Kenshin, el guerrero samurái Lãng khách Kenshin Rurōni Kenshin Rurōni Kenshin -Meiji Kenkaku Rōman Tan- Rurouni Kenshin: Una historia romántica de un espadachín de la era Meiji Samurai X Wandering Swordsman Kenshin Бродяга Кэнсин الرحال كينشين るろうに剣心 るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- 神劍闖江湖
Official status: Completed
Published: Apr 12, 1994 to Sep 21, 1999
Rank: 80
Volumes: 28

Rurouni Kenshin Summary:

  Read ​Rurouni Kenshin Manga Kenshin gets the better of the imitation Batt?sai and decides to help her. After finding that Kenshin is the ill-famed assassin that is actual, Kaoru offers him a spot to keep at her dojo noting that he's peace loving rather than cold hearted, as his name...
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