Character Detail
Name: Hiroyuki
Member: 1
Anime: 1
Role: Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ)A young Japanese rockstar, living in his parents mansion (a large Japanese apartment considered to be more like a suite) and on their money, he was yet another fling of the beautiful Chizuru. However, when his new neighbors moved in with their daughter Azumi Yamada, Chizuru quickly claimed him as her boyfriend. (Source: Wikipedia) Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ)A young Japanese rockstar, living in his parents mansion (a large Japanese apartment considered to be more like a suite) and on their money, he was yet another fling of the beautiful Chizuru. However, when his new neighbors moved in with their daughter Azumi Yamada, Chizuru quickly claimed him as her boyfriend. (Source: Wikipedia)
Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ)A young Japanese rockstar, living in his parents mansion (a large Japanese apartment considered to be more like a suite) and on their money, he was yet another fling of the beautiful Chizuru. However, when his new neighbors moved in with their daughter Azumi Yamada, Chizuru quickly claimed him as her boyfriend. (Source: Wikipedia)

3.5 1,000,000
- Vol.8 Chapter 94:...5 years ago
- Vol.08 Chapter 0935 years ago
- Vol.08 Chapter 0925 years ago