Character Detail

Name: Peterman

Member: 0

Anime: 2

Role: Peterman (ピーターマン)Peterman (ピーターマン, Piitaaman) is the head of a kidnapping gang called the Hound Pets, located at Shabondy Archipelago. He is informed by bounty hunters (as they were wounded they were most likely those that tried to attack the Strawhats for their bounties earlier) that Camie, a mermaid, is at Shabondy Park. He then arranges a deal of 10% of her final selling price to the bounty hunters and goes leaves to kidnap her. He later takes her to the Human... Peterman (ピーターマン)Peterman (ピーターマン, Piitaaman) is the head of a kidnapping gang called the Hound Pets, located at Shabondy Archipelago. He is informed by bounty hunters (as they were wounded they were most likely those that tried to attack the Strawhats for their bounties earlier) that Camie, a mermaid, is at Shabondy Park. He then arranges a deal of 10% of her final selling price to the bounty hunters and goes leaves to kidnap her. He later takes her to the Human Auctioning House, to come back after she's sold for his share of the money. He never gets the chance however as the SH managed to rescue her then visit his hideout and give him a deserved beating for his actions. (source:

Peterman (ピーターマン)Peterman (ピーターマン, Piitaaman) is the head of a kidnapping gang called the Hound Pets, located at Shabondy Archipelago. He is informed by bounty hunters (as they were wounded they were most likely those that tried to attack the Strawhats for their bounties earlier) that Camie, a mermaid, is at Shabondy Park. He then arranges a deal of 10% of her final selling price to the bounty hunters and goes leaves to kidnap her. He later takes her to the Human...

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