Character Detail

Name: Shiraishi, Kouta

Member: 0

Anime: 1

Role: Kouta Shiraishi Age: 17-18 source - the last chapter of the manga jumps 2 years into the future, and explicitly states that they are 20. Since the characters have a birthday in the middle of the story, they are 17 for part and 18 for part. Birthday: May 17th Relationships: Konno, Kurokawa, Aoyama, Sakurai Appearance: Light brown/green short hair, yellow eyes, and Ikemen looks. Personality: Shiraishi is known for being one of the "princes" of the school and often uses his... Kouta Shiraishi Age: 17-18 source - the last chapter of the manga jumps 2 years into the future, and explicitly states that they are 20. Since the characters have a birthday in the middle of the story, they are 17 for part and 18 for part. Birthday: May 17th Relationships: Konno, Kurokawa, Aoyama, Sakurai Appearance: Light brown/green short hair, yellow eyes, and Ikemen looks. Personality: Shiraishi is known for being one of the "princes" of the school and often uses his "Ikemen" abilities which attracts people around him to the point of obsession. For example, he is constantly getting bombarded with love letters, and on Valentine’s Day he gets way too much chocolate. His personality changes after he meets Kurokawa, in which he becomes less of an Ikemen because of being intimidated by someone who’s more "Princely" than he is. For example, in the first few chapters where he is solely focused on getting a one up over Kurokawa, his Ikemen abilities show no affect on her, and so he uses them on her less and less over time. He is overall very considerate, loyal, and passionate towards his friends, and he will usually recognize a mistake he has made and go back to fix it. While he has a crush on Kurokawa, he becomes very vulnerable to her Ikemen Attacks and tends to be embarrassed a lot, which of course starts to lesson over time as he accepts her Ikemen habit as a part of her personality. He is also very open minded and understanding, which we know from when he and Konno found out that Sakurai had a crush on Kurokawa too, and how they brought it to her attention that her liking of Kurokawa was normal.

Kouta Shiraishi Age: 17-18 source - the last chapter of the manga jumps 2 years into the future, and explicitly states that they are 20. Since the characters have a birthday in the middle of the story, they are 17 for part and 18 for part. Birthday: May 17th Relationships: Konno, Kurokawa, Aoyama, Sakurai Appearance: Light brown/green short hair, yellow eyes, and Ikemen looks. Personality: Shiraishi is known for being one of the "princes" of the school and often uses his...

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