Character Detail

Name: List

Member: 0

Anime: 1

Role: List (りすと)Age: 9 Birthday: February 29 Height: 120 cm Blood type: O Favorite food: hamburger, sturgeon caviar rice bowl Disliked food: green pepper, tomato juice Hobbies: watching anime Power: Hansel und Gretel (marble) List is a young girl who wanders through the world searching for the Grimm's items to seal them in her original Grimm's Fairytales book. She meets Akitsune by accident once they mistakenly swap shopping bags and afterwards decides to stay with him and... List (りすと)Age: 9 Birthday: February 29 Height: 120 cm Blood type: O Favorite food: hamburger, sturgeon caviar rice bowl Disliked food: green pepper, tomato juice Hobbies: watching anime Power: Hansel und Gretel (marble) List is a young girl who wanders through the world searching for the Grimm's items to seal them in her original Grimm's Fairytales book. She meets Akitsune by accident once they mistakenly swap shopping bags and afterwards decides to stay with him and protect him. As she is extremely rich, she buys his grandpa's old antique store to reopen it and stay at his home. She is said to be looking for something specific in her journey of finding every item. List is connected to Akitsune because of his grandfather. She is a creature made by the fairytales, born once Akitsune's grandfather wrote with the special pen ,that appears only when all 200 fairytales are sealed in the Grimm's book, to make the girl he drew alive. She had her memory altered by Shishikura to make her find every Grimm's item, but in the end he allows her to remember everything.

List (りすと)Age: 9 Birthday: February 29 Height: 120 cm Blood type: O Favorite food: hamburger, sturgeon caviar rice bowl Disliked food: green pepper, tomato juice Hobbies: watching anime Power: Hansel und Gretel (marble) List is a young girl who wanders through the world searching for the Grimm's items to seal them in her original Grimm's Fairytales book. She meets Akitsune by accident once they mistakenly swap shopping bags and afterwards decides to stay with him and...

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