Character Detail

Name: Dustiness Ford, Lalatina

Member: 5,447

Anime: 1

Role: Lalatina Dustiness Ford (ダスティネス・フォード・ララティーナ / ダクネス)Age: 18 A crusader who possesses powerful offense and defense, but lacks the accuracy to deliver her attacks. She is a masochist who dreams of being ravaged by monsters or married to an abusive husband; regardless, she is serious with issues involving her friends. It is later revealed that she is a noble from the influential Dustiness family, and became a crusader against her father's... Lalatina Dustiness Ford (ダスティネス・フォード・ララティーナ / ダクネス)Age: 18 A crusader who possesses powerful offense and defense, but lacks the accuracy to deliver her attacks. She is a masochist who dreams of being ravaged by monsters or married to an abusive husband; regardless, she is serious with issues involving her friends. It is later revealed that she is a noble from the influential Dustiness family, and became a crusader against her father's wishes. (Source: Wikipedia)

Lalatina Dustiness Ford (ダスティネス・フォード・ララティーナ / ダクネス)Age: 18 A crusader who possesses powerful offense and defense, but lacks the accuracy to deliver her attacks. She is a masochist who dreams of being ravaged by monsters or married to an abusive husband; regardless, she is serious with issues involving her friends. It is later revealed that she is a noble from the influential Dustiness family, and became a crusader against her father's...

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