Character Detail

Name: Iida, Kyouya

Member: 98

Anime: 2

Role: Kyouya Iida (飯田響也)A very cold homicide detective who prefers to solve cases by using his Glock 17 pistol. He can speak fluent English and German to some degree. In a bleak, gritty representation of Shinjuku, Kyouya doesn't take any crap from anyone, and he doesn't waste his time suffering fools. He just deals with the case getting closed and the bad guy getting what he deserves. He'll put his job above just about everything else in his life, it seems. He's not exactly popular... Kyouya Iida (飯田響也)A very cold homicide detective who prefers to solve cases by using his Glock 17 pistol. He can speak fluent English and German to some degree. In a bleak, gritty representation of Shinjuku, Kyouya doesn't take any crap from anyone, and he doesn't waste his time suffering fools. He just deals with the case getting closed and the bad guy getting what he deserves. He'll put his job above just about everything else in his life, it seems. He's not exactly popular amongst his superiors, but he's known for being the best detective around, so they'll put up with his somewhat caustic attitude. Ever since his father's death, he became cold and emotionless to most people, except to Eriko, Hachimaki, Yukari and Director Narita.

Kyouya Iida (飯田響也)A very cold homicide detective who prefers to solve cases by using his Glock 17 pistol. He can speak fluent English and German to some degree. In a bleak, gritty representation of Shinjuku, Kyouya doesn't take any crap from anyone, and he doesn't waste his time suffering fools. He just deals with the case getting closed and the bad guy getting what he deserves. He'll put his job above just about everything else in his life, it seems. He's not exactly popular...

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